Justice Court
Village of Waverly Justice Court
32 Ithaca Street
Waverly, NY 14892
Phone: (607) 565-4771
Fax: (607) 565-3539
Email: WaverlyVillageCourt@nycourts.gov
Waverly, NY 14892
Phone: (607) 565-4771
Fax: (607) 565-3539
Email: WaverlyVillageCourt@nycourts.gov
Criminal & Traffic Court held Thursdays at 1:30 pm except the 1st Thursday of the month
Honorable Richard Gorman, Village Justice
Honorable David G. Boland, Associate Village Justice
Lynette Nickels, Court Clerk
Torrance Schmitz, Tioga County Assistant District Attorney
Todd Miller, Tioga County Public Defender
* Beginning 2/11/2022, payers who wish to make payments to Waverly Village Court may do so on the AllPaid Payment Platform. AllPaid accepts Visa®, MasterCard®, American Express® and Discover® for payments online: allpaid.com, or by phone 24/7 to 888-604-7888.* Pay court fines/fees here.
* VISA & MASTERCARD accepted in person or by mail *
No Personal Checks will be accepted.
* Beginning 2/11/2022, payers who wish to make payments to Waverly Village Court may do so on the AllPaid Payment Platform. AllPaid accepts Visa®, MasterCard®, American Express® and Discover® for payments online: allpaid.com, or by phone 24/7 to 888-604-7888.* Pay court fines/fees here.
* VISA & MASTERCARD accepted in person or by mail *
No Personal Checks will be accepted.