
The Village has 3 cemeteries

Forest Home


East Waverly (Factoryville)

Service Rates

Regular hours are 7:00am - 3:00pm

Burial - full    $750 during regular hours

Burial - full      $950 after regular hours

Burial - cremations  $300 during regular hours

Burial - cremations $500  after regular hours

Burial - infants $300 during regular hours

Burial - infant cremations $450 after regular hours

Burial - infant cremations $100 during regular hours

Burial - infant cremations $200 after regular hours

Lot sales - Single Grave  $850

Mausoleum Storage Fee  $33 (Village Cemeteries)

                                          $45 (Any other Cemetery)

See Attached Cemetery Rules And Regulations


Website Accessibility

Village of Waverly | 32 Ithaca Street, Waverly, NY 14892 | Map | Phone | villageofwaverly.com
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